ACTIVA is a purely Czech company which has been operating in the field of office supplies since 1992. Thanks to a logistically interconnected network of regional branches, it is able to supply companies, offices and organizations throughout the Czech Republic on the following working day. ACTIVA is also a direct importer and distributor of stationery from prestigious brands such as Parker, Waterman, Rotring and Lamy.
ACTIVA spol. s r. o.
Veselská 686, 199 00 Prague 9, Czech Republic
Tel .: +420 286 007 100
Fax: +420 286 007 208

Thanks to ACTIVA, the foundation has been able to eliminate costs of office supplies and reducing its operational costs to minimum.
Thank you very much for your support!
Bird & Bird s.r.o.
Bird & Bird is a renowned international law firm that provides high quality legal services in a global context, yet with an excellent knowledge of the domestic market.Bird & Bird’s legal approach combines knowledge of the specific needs of individual industries with refreshingly innovative thinking to enable clients to achieve their long-term business goals. Bird & Bird focuses on providing comprehensive legal advice to clients in a range of industries where new technologies play a key role – intellectual property protection, information technology, telecommunications and media, pharmaceuticals and healthcare, financial services and energy. Bird & Bird’s Prague office has been operating in the Czech Republic since 2008. Thanks to its experience and high professional level, the Prague team has gained well-deserved respect on the Czech market. Since its establishment, it has also won numerous awards and international comparative publications have ranked it among the leading law firms in many legal areas.
Bird & Bird s.r.o.
Na Příkopě 583/15, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel .: +420 226 030 500
Fax: +420 226 030 599

Thanks to Bird & Bird s.r.o., the foundation has secured free legal support for the TERIBEAR project. We greatly appreciate this cooperation and are very grateful!
The C-IN agency was founded by four partners in 2001 with the aim of filling a gap in the service production market in the field of congresses, social and public events. Over the years, the agency has become a leader in the field in the Czech Republic and provides services to a number of domestic and foreign organizations. C-IN is a member of international organizations (e.g. ICCA), which bring together congress organizers to share experience and information and improve the services. Currently, C-IN is based in the Prague Congress Centre with premises used for large-scale events.
Prague Congress Center
5.května 65, 140 21 Prague 4, Czech Republic
Tel .: +420 261 174 301
Fax: +420 261 174 307

We would like to thank C-IN for their long-term cooperation in various events of the foundation, such as the Fashion for Kids charity gala, the Teribear Moves Prague, a sports charity event, Teribear Moves Mladá Boleslav, etc. Professionalism, precision and creative approach can be used to describe the central essence of our cooperation.
Thank you for your generous support! We appreciate it very much.
Czech Donors Forum
Due to our active membership in the Association of Foundations and Funds overseen by Czech Donors Forum, and thanks to their regular information service, we have the opportunity to stay on top of developments in the sector such as educating ourselves, expanding our awareness of legislative changes and exchanging experiences with other foundations. The fact that the Czech Donors Forum also oversees all matters related to ethical conduct in the charity sector makes it an exceptional advisor and guide for the transparent and proper functioning of foundations and funds.
Donors Forum
Lucerna Palace, 5. floor
Štěpánská 61, 116 02 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel .: +420 224 216 544
Fax: +420 224 216 544

Czech Donors Forum is a civic association that has been successfully supporting the development of philanthropy in the Czech Republic for a long time. The members of the Czech Donors Forum are major foundations, funds and corporate donors. It operates a system of donor SMS. It provides advisory and consulting services in the field of corporate philanthropy (strategy, selection of appropriate public benefit project), legislative issues related to philanthropic activities (how to establish a foundation, endowment fund, legal and tax obligations). The main areas of interest of the Donors’ Forum are currently the strengthening of foundations and endowment funds, creating conditions for corporate giving as an integral part of corporate social responsibility and improving the legislative environment for philanthropy.
The Tereza Maxová Foundation has been a member of the Executive Committee since 2009. Like the other member foundations, it is committed to the Code of Ethics of the Czech Donors Forum.
McCann Erickson Prague – advertising agency
We’re like an ad agency. But with added dogs. We’ve been a small family sat on top of a big hill in Riegrovy Sady since 1991. And since then we’ve grown up to become one of the biggest, most creative, most effective agencies in the Czech Republic. Because there’s 120+ of us working off our butts to be so. But don’t just take our word for it, the proof is in the pudding. – “Agency of the Year“ in both 2023 and 2024 organized by Czech Marketing&Media magazine, and at the same time the Responsible agency, best Creative team and Account team and Best Strategist. Most Effective Agency in terms of Effie Czech Awards (for a few years in a row now) crowned by silver from Effie Europe Awards, plus some Cannes Lions (like Gold, Silver and Bronze). The list can continue with many more local and international recognition. We believe in being agile, no matter how big…(think Dwayne Johnson). And treating people more like citizens and less like consumers. We also believe that we can only succeed and grow if our clients do too. Because what use is creativity without business results?
Riegrovy Sady 28, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
Tel .: +420 222 009 111

The Tereza Maxová Foundation greatly appreciates the cooperation with this agency, which supports its charitable activities in a long-term, versatile and free of charge way. It is wonderful that the cooperation is gradually becoming stronger and is perceived positively and meaningfully by both parties.
PRK Partners s.r.o., the law firm
PRK Partners s.r.o., the law firm, is a leading company providing legal services with a highly professional standard in the field of banking, financial, corporate, commercial and property law in the full range of matters that may be of interest to multinational and domestic clients. Thanks to the education and work experience of its lawyers, PRK offers an international perspective complemented by an in-depth knowledge of the dynamically developing Czech legal system and business practices. PRK provides services to clients in Czech, English, German, French and Russian. The firm has built an exceptionally strong practice in banking, capital markets, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, general corporate law and real estate. PRK has earned its reputation through its involvement in a number of new-type international and domestic commercial transactions in a challenging environment of a rapidly changing economy. Its practice encompasses a wide range of interrelated specialty areas, enabling the firm to provide clients with complete and coordinated legal advice. While individual lawyers focus on one or more specialized areas, the firm’s combination of broad expertise and precise specialization, complemented by an emphasis on clients’ business priorities, enables the lawyers to act as strategic partners in structuring and executing complex commercial transactions.
PRK Partners s.r.o., the law firm
Jáchymova 26/2, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic
Tel .: +420 221 430 111
Fax: +420 224 235 450

We greatly appreciate the ongoing and reliable assistance of PRK Partners s.r.o., which consists of the regular processing of the legal agenda for the foundation. Our cooperation has gradually expanded into various forms. It is always extremely inspiring to work with a partner who not only understands the philosophy of our work, but also supports the mission we are pursuing in every way.
Thank you!